Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day One...

A good friend of mine once said, "work is a four letter word."
I always say, "I need a job."

So, it's back to work I go. I hope to keep this blog going, well, really I want to keep http://havelegwilltravel.blogspot.com/ going. So I really need to go back to work and make some money so I can get traveling. Then I can add to that blog and there will be a better reason to check back in. Or the travel channel can pick up my show and I'll travel for work and still keep up the blog.

But until then, thanks for checking in.

And now here's David Wain:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have found yours blog and i red yours story - i have similar problems and i'd be happy to talk with you before mine surgery.
my mail is mario_primorac@yahoo.com